Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Why EnerPrime?

What makes EnerPrime different?

EnerPrime was made for the love of a daughter.

She started loosing her hair in chunks, eye lashes and eyebrows. After doctors ran many tests they said she had Alopecia an Autoimmune disease. She was going to have no hair and a weak immune system for the rest of her life. A number of specialists stated there is nothing they can do for their daughter to grow back the hair and help her immune system.

Finally Greg Im (owner of IMPaX World) no longer wanted to accept that answer from doctors. That there is nothing that they can do for his daughter. He then started researching about the immune system and talking to over 200 doctors & nutritionists around the world for around 7 months. With their help and advice Greg had EnerPrime created for his daughter. Over time her immune system started to improve and her hair started to grow back. She now has eye lashes, eyebrows and hair.

That was over 20 years ago!

Greg realized that there must be other people out there that need something for their immune system. That is how EnerPrime came to be one of the first green drinks available on the market.

How long should someone try EnerPrime?

Minimum of 120 days (4 months). Yes, you read that correctly 4 months.

Why 120 days?

Great question! It takes the blood a 120 days to regenerate and to be 100% new blood cells.

What can EnerPrime do for you?

Take the EnerPrime 120 Day Challenge!

Take EnerPrime Powder for a full 120 days and experience a new sense of health and wellness as your body detoxifies, your immune system strengthens, your energy increases and your feel RENEWED!!!

Start your EnerPrime 120 Day Challenge Today!

Wellness The Easy Way



Monday, February 15, 2016

Is God Wrong?

Is God Wrong?

In the way He created us, plants and animals.

Did God make mistakes that we need to correct?

When we buy and consume these (GMO's) altered plants and animals we are showing support to the people/companies who believe God was wrong when He created plants and animals. Then we wonder why we start to have health issues.

Foreign genes are artificially forced into the plants and animals to change the DNA. Is that really a good idea? Plants and animals are being injected with bacteria, viruses, pesticides, herbicides, insects, animals and/or even human genes. By altering the DNA forcefully, are we telling God, He is wrong?

Will our children’s, children be able to enjoy fruits, vegetables and animals the way our great grandparents had the opportunity to enjoy the flavors and original design of them?

Do you believe that God created plants, animals and humans the wrong way?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


"24 and throwing up four times a week at minimum"

We, Mr. & Mrs. Abramson, are so pleased to be a part of your life! It was only a few years ago that we made the decision to lead healthier more fulfilling lives. That’s where our story begins.
It was fall of 2010 and time for my wife to return to school, she would get up early to get ready and that’s when I knew something was wrong. My wife grew up with stomach issues that no one could solve, this particular fall it had gotten to the point that I could not stand it anymore. She was 24 and throwing up four times a week at minimum! This was just ridiculous, not to mention not normal. I began to research extensively about the stomach, learning so much about how what we consume affects how our bodies and how they function. It turns out our bodies main form of defense (immune system) is largely located in our gut. Together with our roommate we started to eat more vegetables and gave up fast food, even though we all loved it! It was a small change but a change for the better. I had made some connections with people while in search of a cure; one man introduced me to a supplement company. His name was Matt and he claimed that this company had a green drink that would change our lives!! Hmmm sure they do, I thought to myself, needless to say I was skeptical, but my wife was sick and I felt it was worth a chance. We started taking the product, EnerPrime, and within a month it was like she was a new person. The throwing up had gone down to twice a week at most and her mood was vastly improved. We were both very happy with the changes we saw and felt.

Since then we have continued to research and adjust our diets. We no longer eat fast food and never consume highly processed foods. My wife loves to cook so she is constantly experimenting with all types of veggies. We know our lives have been improved by these changes and they would not have been possible without EnerPrime. Our results have encouraged us to pass on the word. We are passionate about health and helping others. This product changes lives. 

Will it change yours?

EnerPrime and other great products can be found here >>> www.amazon.com/shops/WellnessTheEasyWay

Thank you for your time. May your future be filled with many blessings.

Justin Abramson
Wellness The Easy Way

Thursday, August 20, 2015

ADHD Child uses delta-E instead of Ritalin!

Have you ever seen a child with ADD or ADHD in extreme frustration and anxiety, unable to focus or concentrate, unable to sit still, having issues relating with their friends or family?

My son was one of these children. At 2 years old, I couldn't sit him down to eat. I used to have to chase him around the living room with a spoon full of food. What a crazy experience. He was diagnosed at 4 years old and we tried everything to help him. First we changed his diet from dairy and carbohydrate based to a more grounding whole grain, legume (beans), vegetables and occasional dairy and saw a world of difference. We also reduced his processed sugar intake and focused on whole fruits and sweet vegetables like butternut squash and carrots. Yes, we even tried Ritalin out of desperation. Thankfully it didn't work!

'I remember the first time I gave him a
delta-E ... it was the most amazing thing to watch.
His expression changed from spaced out and inattentive to focused and clear within a few minutes. It was like 'the light went on inside his brain'. Incredible!'

Since then, I have shared delta-E with many people, both children and adults, and have heard similar stories of relief and success just by taking a delta-E every day.

Thank you delta-E!
Margaret G

You can find delta-E on Amazon - http://amzn.com/B00H6NGFPI

Follow IMPaX World on Facebook at www.facebook.com/impaxworld

Please Note: Individual experiences with IMPaX products may vary. IMPaX WORLD, Inc. / IMPaX Healthprime makes no therapeutic claims on any of its products. Information contained in this website should not be used as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned about your health or that of a loved one, please consult your family's health provider immediately.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Vitamin B12 and Your Brain

Vitamin B12 and
 Your Brain

Arlene R. Taylor PhD

“I’m struggling with a fuzzy memory,” Jessie told the doctor. “At times I feel confused, can’t recall details well, and fear I’m heading down the path toward dementia!”

“You may be experiencing low levels of Vitamin B12 or cobalamin,” the physician replied. “A number of symptoms are associated with lover-than-desirable levels.”

Sure enough, a simple blood test showed that Jessie’s levels of B12 were low. Not even a real deficiency according to published ranges, mind you. Just low levels within the normal range. But low enough for Jessie to have produced symptoms of confusion and memory delays. Serious B12 deficiencies, on the other hand, have been associated with everything from severe damage to the brain and nervous system to symptoms of mania and psychosis.

The next thing Jessie wanted to know was
whether one could take too much B12.

“There is good news,” said the doctor,
“Vitamin B12 has extremely low toxicity and
even taking it in enormous doses appears
not to be harmful to healthy individuals.”

This water soluble vitamin is vitally important to the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system. That’s likely one reason that, along with vitamin B6, it is
referred to as the brain vitamin. Of course, it plays a key role in other bodily functions, too. In the formation of blood, in the metabolism of every cell, and in the synthesis of DNA and fatty acids. Vitamin B12 is touted to be the largest and most structurally complicated vitamin currently known.

Recent studies have shown that up to 40% of the population may have B12 levels that range from low to shockingly low. Perhaps even more frightening, a B12 deficiency can contribute to brain shrinkage, a condition associated with decreased
brain function. According to a University of Oxford study, research is linking B12
deficiency with, among other negative consequences, Alzheimer’s disease. The Oxford
two-year randomized clinical trial is the largest to study the effect of B vitamins on
mild cognitive impairment, and one of the first disease-modifying trials in the
Alzheimer’s field to show positive results in humans.

Simple, you say. Just up your intake of Vitamin B12. Turns out that this may not be a
simple as you may think. For example, some individuals have been taking B12 in a
commonly available form known as cyanocobalamin. Ouch! It’s a derivative of
cyanide (think Agatha Christie murders).

According to Wikipedia, in the body this common synthetic form of cyanocobalamin is
converted to the physiological forms methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalmin, leaving
behind cyanide. Yes, you read it correctly. A small concentration of cyanide, but
cyanide nonetheless. Check the ingredient list for cyanocobalamin. If you see it listed,
you may want to run—not walk—the other way. What are manufacturers thinking? No
doubt that it is 100 times cheaper than the more desirable form: methylcobalamin.

So what can you do? If you eat meats and yogurt, they can be sources, although due
to common intestinal ailments many are unable to absorb vitamin B12 from their
intestines. Patches that deliver B12 are available; as are injections of B12, but few
people really want to go that route long term. B12 can be found in some fortified
cereals, as well.

Personally, as a vegetarian, I take delta-E every day. It contains the
methylcobalamin form of B12. Do you think I have time and energy to think about
cyanide? Not hardly! And since one of the ways in which B12 is absorbed is
sublingual, I’m doing more “sipping” these days than gulping.

 delta-E on Amazon

Selected References

To order: Amazon http://amzn.com/B00H6NGFPI or call 888-891-1212
Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/impaxworld

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Do you suffer from migraines?

Prior to taking EnerPrime, I lived like many of us approaching middle age, with a few minor illnesses and pain.

I even considered myself almost "drug free" because I hadn't really considered what I was taking daily to maintain my "health". I took Claritin, Vancenase spray (a steroid). Proventil and an antihistamine, along with a five day blitz of Predisone occasionally to control my allergies. I'd even had three years of allergy shots but it didn't cure me.
 Complicating this, I've had migraine headaches from the age of thirteen. Since I'd inherited this from my grandmother I accepted it as just part of my genetic weakness. Recently, my headaches had increased in frequency and intensity to two to three a month to last three to four days which resulted in me being bedridden for days at a time. I've tried many different medicines for migraines but was currently on Imitrex-a drug with dangerous side-effects. The hormones I'd taken for a year, I finally stopped taking in August. I found I didn't need them. I also noticed I'd been getting really tired mid-afternoon. About three o'clock, I'd get to the point where I couldn't even think straight. But all this, I rationalized was just part of aging!

Fortunately, I met Karen G. who introduced me to EnerPrime. When I started the product, I decided to go off all my allergy medicine. About this time, I was diagnosed with a hyperthyroid. The normal range for thyroid is about between 0.47-5.50. I wanted to take EnerPrime for four months and get retested before I took any medicine.
Four months later, my thyroid had dropped from 6.97 to 3.86. When I started taking EnerPrime I took 1 tsp. the first three days, without much effect, so I jumped to 1 Tablespoon. That threw me into a major detox, my last big migraine headache that lasted for five days. I knew this would happen and I just wanted to get through it quickly. From this point on it was "sickness unto health" not sickness unto death"!

Throughout the detox I continued taking EnerPrime when I could and drinking lots of water. For about 6 weeks after that I stayed on 1 Tablespoon a day until I realized that I probably needed to take more. I wasn't seeing the changes in my energy level and sleep I wanted. So I experimented. I started taking 2 Tablespoons a day, one at a time. I've gone through several more minor detox stages, but each time I level off and feel better than before. Each stage brings me to a higher level of wellness. Along with this, I have been much more careful with what I eat. I drink 60 or more ounces of pure water daily and try to exercise consistently. Exercise is my downfall.

Now, nine months later, I can say, my headaches are all but gone. My allergies are very minimal and by taking 3-4 Tablespoons of EnerPrime a day, I can control them without any medication. I have renewed energy, I can think clearly, my sleep is sound and I feel the best I have felt in years! I've also noticed the spider veins in my legs are going away as well as my age spots. My nails are much stronger and my hair is full of body and even filling in at my temples.

A great big THANK YOU to share this product with me. I know I'm committed to staying on EnerPrime for life.

Elaine H.

EnerPrime CLICK HERE >>> Powder http://amzn.com/B00H6CL94G  
Capsules http://amzn.com/B00H7LVWIY

ENA Sciences CLICK HERE >>> www.enasciences.com
Ion Thrive ( Alkaline water machine ) CLICK HERE >>> www.waterezway.com
Source: IMPaX World

Monday, October 7, 2013

Energize Your Brain!

delta-E Energize Your Brain!

Health professionals, athletes and seniors alike are amazed at the sustained Feeling of Well-being, Mental Clarity and Lasting Energy they receive from delta-E.

B vitamin boost including super B12 promotes healthy brain function
Richest source of antioxidants protects nervous system
Activator blend includes Pure L-Theanine and 75 mg natural caffeine from calm energy and focus
Immune system support defends against effects of stress

Naturally sweetened with 5 gm fructose (no sugar crash, only 20 cal.)

Fantastic delta-E?

Looking for a new kind of energy to help you get through your day? delta-E delivers! Most energy drinks merely combine caffeine and sugar. delta-E Activator™ contains a revolutionary composition of specific natural bioactives that scientific studies indicate produces sustained energy and alertness without jitteriness.

Read Ben Greenfield's article: I Don't Approve of Energy Drinks

Read what doctors say about delta-E™:
A Physician Examines delta-E™ by Ira Robinson, MD
No Rain in the Brain by Arlene Taylor, PhD

We're Glad You Asked...
Question: I was going to try your delta-E energy powder but see on the label that it contains caffeine. What makes your energy drink different than coffee or the other caffeine/sugar energy drinks on the market?
Answer: Delta-E™ is an exclusive combination that includes a patented ingredient, Suntheanine®, a natural caffeine... (read more)

ORDER HERE delta-E >>> www.wellnesstheeasyway.com
ORDER HERE Power Pack EnerPrime & delta-E >>> www.wellnesstheeasyway.com