Monday, February 11, 2013

Catch the Wave

"Water is the driving force in nature" - Leonardo da Vinci
Did you know?

Our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water with our brain 85%, our bones 35%, our blood 83% and our liver 90%.

"Studies have shown that a 1% level of dehydration can result in a 5% decrease in cognitive function."**

Our bodies need plenty of water to perform their functions, cleanse, detoxify and hydrate

“Think of it this way,” he said. “Your brain must have water to do its job. If you don’t give it a good supply, your brain will direct the body to steal some fluid from your bladder, as it has the largest potential reservoir of fluid in the body at any given time.” He paused and then delivered a line I have used many times since: “That sure puts a different spin on the term pea brain!” **

How Important is Water for the Body?

Amazing turn out at the February 28th 2013 event. Looking forward to seeing you at our next event March 23 2013
Click Here >>>

** - Arlene R. Taylor PhD!blogger-feed/c139y