Friday, April 12, 2013

How to Start Eating Healthy

How do I start eating healthy?

I was asked a question the other day while I was speaking in front of a networking group called Successful Thinkers. I shared with the group how important it is to take care of your health for your business. Without your health, what else are you going to do with your life? Imagine your health failed you tomorrow and you became bedridden. You would not continue to do your business; you would be finding a way to get out of bed. Why let your health get to that point? Start taking care of yourself NOW!

          The answer is in the question. ‘How do I start eating healthy?’ For him, he wanted to start eating more raw meals. I recommended the best way to start is to start your day raw. I told him what I do most mornings, since I eat 60-80% raw every day. I use ½-cup steel cut oats and ½-cup rolled oats and soak them for 24 hours minimum. Depending on how active you are or how much you eat. That would last me two-three days and I would continue to soak the oats as long as I still had some left over. With the drained soaked oats, I would put them in a bowl and mix them with cinnamon and agave syrup (low glycemic sweetener), then I would add blueberries (or any kind of berry for the antioxidants) and/or a banana, with ground up flaxseeds for the omega’s and if you like your oats moist, add some almond milk. It is a very balanced raw breakfast, which is also very affordable when you purchase the oats, cinnamon and flaxseeds from the bulk section. If you have a Whole Foods near you, I really like their bulk section and yes, they have bulk spices.

          Once you start your day on the right step to eating healthy, you will want to continue to have the great energy that you just received from your raw oats. I asked him to try this breakfast for three days in a row and to let me know how he felt afterwards.

          Please try this recipe and let me know how you liked it in the comments below. In addition, please share raw breakfast meals that you would recommend or different items you would incorporate to your raw oats to add variety for people.

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