Saturday, November 16, 2013

Do you suffer from migraines?

Prior to taking EnerPrime, I lived like many of us approaching middle age, with a few minor illnesses and pain.

I even considered myself almost "drug free" because I hadn't really considered what I was taking daily to maintain my "health". I took Claritin, Vancenase spray (a steroid). Proventil and an antihistamine, along with a five day blitz of Predisone occasionally to control my allergies. I'd even had three years of allergy shots but it didn't cure me.
 Complicating this, I've had migraine headaches from the age of thirteen. Since I'd inherited this from my grandmother I accepted it as just part of my genetic weakness. Recently, my headaches had increased in frequency and intensity to two to three a month to last three to four days which resulted in me being bedridden for days at a time. I've tried many different medicines for migraines but was currently on Imitrex-a drug with dangerous side-effects. The hormones I'd taken for a year, I finally stopped taking in August. I found I didn't need them. I also noticed I'd been getting really tired mid-afternoon. About three o'clock, I'd get to the point where I couldn't even think straight. But all this, I rationalized was just part of aging!

Fortunately, I met Karen G. who introduced me to EnerPrime. When I started the product, I decided to go off all my allergy medicine. About this time, I was diagnosed with a hyperthyroid. The normal range for thyroid is about between 0.47-5.50. I wanted to take EnerPrime for four months and get retested before I took any medicine.
Four months later, my thyroid had dropped from 6.97 to 3.86. When I started taking EnerPrime I took 1 tsp. the first three days, without much effect, so I jumped to 1 Tablespoon. That threw me into a major detox, my last big migraine headache that lasted for five days. I knew this would happen and I just wanted to get through it quickly. From this point on it was "sickness unto health" not sickness unto death"!

Throughout the detox I continued taking EnerPrime when I could and drinking lots of water. For about 6 weeks after that I stayed on 1 Tablespoon a day until I realized that I probably needed to take more. I wasn't seeing the changes in my energy level and sleep I wanted. So I experimented. I started taking 2 Tablespoons a day, one at a time. I've gone through several more minor detox stages, but each time I level off and feel better than before. Each stage brings me to a higher level of wellness. Along with this, I have been much more careful with what I eat. I drink 60 or more ounces of pure water daily and try to exercise consistently. Exercise is my downfall.

Now, nine months later, I can say, my headaches are all but gone. My allergies are very minimal and by taking 3-4 Tablespoons of EnerPrime a day, I can control them without any medication. I have renewed energy, I can think clearly, my sleep is sound and I feel the best I have felt in years! I've also noticed the spider veins in my legs are going away as well as my age spots. My nails are much stronger and my hair is full of body and even filling in at my temples.

A great big THANK YOU to share this product with me. I know I'm committed to staying on EnerPrime for life.

Elaine H.

EnerPrime CLICK HERE >>> Powder  

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Source: IMPaX World