Tuesday, August 25, 2015


"24 and throwing up four times a week at minimum"

We, Mr. & Mrs. Abramson, are so pleased to be a part of your life! It was only a few years ago that we made the decision to lead healthier more fulfilling lives. That’s where our story begins.
It was fall of 2010 and time for my wife to return to school, she would get up early to get ready and that’s when I knew something was wrong. My wife grew up with stomach issues that no one could solve, this particular fall it had gotten to the point that I could not stand it anymore. She was 24 and throwing up four times a week at minimum! This was just ridiculous, not to mention not normal. I began to research extensively about the stomach, learning so much about how what we consume affects how our bodies and how they function. It turns out our bodies main form of defense (immune system) is largely located in our gut. Together with our roommate we started to eat more vegetables and gave up fast food, even though we all loved it! It was a small change but a change for the better. I had made some connections with people while in search of a cure; one man introduced me to a supplement company. His name was Matt and he claimed that this company had a green drink that would change our lives!! Hmmm sure they do, I thought to myself, needless to say I was skeptical, but my wife was sick and I felt it was worth a chance. We started taking the product, EnerPrime, and within a month it was like she was a new person. The throwing up had gone down to twice a week at most and her mood was vastly improved. We were both very happy with the changes we saw and felt.

Since then we have continued to research and adjust our diets. We no longer eat fast food and never consume highly processed foods. My wife loves to cook so she is constantly experimenting with all types of veggies. We know our lives have been improved by these changes and they would not have been possible without EnerPrime. Our results have encouraged us to pass on the word. We are passionate about health and helping others. This product changes lives. 

Will it change yours?

EnerPrime and other great products can be found here >>> www.amazon.com/shops/WellnessTheEasyWay

Thank you for your time. May your future be filled with many blessings.

Justin Abramson
Wellness The Easy Way

Thursday, August 20, 2015

ADHD Child uses delta-E instead of Ritalin!

Have you ever seen a child with ADD or ADHD in extreme frustration and anxiety, unable to focus or concentrate, unable to sit still, having issues relating with their friends or family?

My son was one of these children. At 2 years old, I couldn't sit him down to eat. I used to have to chase him around the living room with a spoon full of food. What a crazy experience. He was diagnosed at 4 years old and we tried everything to help him. First we changed his diet from dairy and carbohydrate based to a more grounding whole grain, legume (beans), vegetables and occasional dairy and saw a world of difference. We also reduced his processed sugar intake and focused on whole fruits and sweet vegetables like butternut squash and carrots. Yes, we even tried Ritalin out of desperation. Thankfully it didn't work!

'I remember the first time I gave him a
delta-E ... it was the most amazing thing to watch.
His expression changed from spaced out and inattentive to focused and clear within a few minutes. It was like 'the light went on inside his brain'. Incredible!'

Since then, I have shared delta-E with many people, both children and adults, and have heard similar stories of relief and success just by taking a delta-E every day.

Thank you delta-E!
Margaret G

You can find delta-E on Amazon - http://amzn.com/B00H6NGFPI

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Please Note: Individual experiences with IMPaX products may vary. IMPaX WORLD, Inc. / IMPaX Healthprime makes no therapeutic claims on any of its products. Information contained in this website should not be used as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned about your health or that of a loved one, please consult your family's health provider immediately.