Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Why EnerPrime?

What makes EnerPrime different?

EnerPrime was made for the love of a daughter.

She started loosing her hair in chunks, eye lashes and eyebrows. After doctors ran many tests they said she had Alopecia an Autoimmune disease. She was going to have no hair and a weak immune system for the rest of her life. A number of specialists stated there is nothing they can do for their daughter to grow back the hair and help her immune system.

Finally Greg Im (owner of IMPaX World) no longer wanted to accept that answer from doctors. That there is nothing that they can do for his daughter. He then started researching about the immune system and talking to over 200 doctors & nutritionists around the world for around 7 months. With their help and advice Greg had EnerPrime created for his daughter. Over time her immune system started to improve and her hair started to grow back. She now has eye lashes, eyebrows and hair.

That was over 20 years ago!

Greg realized that there must be other people out there that need something for their immune system. That is how EnerPrime came to be one of the first green drinks available on the market.

How long should someone try EnerPrime?

Minimum of 120 days (4 months). Yes, you read that correctly 4 months.

Why 120 days?

Great question! It takes the blood a 120 days to regenerate and to be 100% new blood cells.

What can EnerPrime do for you?

Take the EnerPrime 120 Day Challenge!

Take EnerPrime Powder for a full 120 days and experience a new sense of health and wellness as your body detoxifies, your immune system strengthens, your energy increases and your feel RENEWED!!!

Start your EnerPrime 120 Day Challenge Today!

Wellness The Easy Way



Monday, February 15, 2016

Is God Wrong?

Is God Wrong?

In the way He created us, plants and animals.

Did God make mistakes that we need to correct?

When we buy and consume these (GMO's) altered plants and animals we are showing support to the people/companies who believe God was wrong when He created plants and animals. Then we wonder why we start to have health issues.

Foreign genes are artificially forced into the plants and animals to change the DNA. Is that really a good idea? Plants and animals are being injected with bacteria, viruses, pesticides, herbicides, insects, animals and/or even human genes. By altering the DNA forcefully, are we telling God, He is wrong?

Will our children’s, children be able to enjoy fruits, vegetables and animals the way our great grandparents had the opportunity to enjoy the flavors and original design of them?

Do you believe that God created plants, animals and humans the wrong way?