Thursday, December 27, 2012

Helping People with Wellness

When someone lets me know that they are feeling better after taking a food and/or product that I recommended, always puts a smile on my face. I enjoy helping people with their health needs. Providing advice on what foods to eat and what not to eat. Most people are not willing to change their eating habits 100%, recommending supplements made from plants is the most common. Only 1% of people eat the variety of foods that are needed for their body, the other 99% should be taking some form of supplement that is made of plants to fill in the cracks. I also offer advice on stretches and exercises for particular needs. 

          Background, my mom has been a nurse for over 25 years and got me started in my interest into nutrition and health. I am also a runner; I ran the 400 meter in high school learning many exercises and health advice from my coaches. If I wanted to learn about something, I would self educate with books and/or websites. Currently I am studying Nutrition at college, looking to transfer to UC Davis for B.S. in Nutrition. I also have multiple mentors that have studied nutrition and one that used to be a personal trainer for cyclists. If you could not tell, my passion is nutrition and providing nutritional advice to people. 

          I find that it is the people that you know and love the most, like your family and friends that are the hardest people to offer advice too. Even when you know that, what they have can be helped very easily. I find it curious that people you just met are more willing to try anything to help their ailments or interested in doing anything that is preventative. Preventative can be from getting sick, disease, virus, or on some occasions something that runs in the family. It is rough for me to watch someone in pain or dealing with an ailment and doing the same thing repeatedly expecting a different result. Albert Einstein said “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. I have a friend that has been dealing with heartburn 3-4 times a week for over a year. Their doctor has been prescribing different medications but none of them seems to work. I asked if they wanted to try something that has been helping many people with heartburn and plant based, meaning almost no side effects unless you are allergic to one of the ingredients. They refused because the doctor knows best. Did I mention they have been going to the doctor for over a year for the same problem? If something is not working why not try something new, what is it going to hurt for 90 days? The same thing that the person has been feeling before, if it does not work. I have found that most people when they try plants within 90 days they start feeling better, some reduced and/or off their medication within 90 days.

When I help someone, most problems are associated with inflammation and pH balance. Once both of those areas are taken care of, along with filling in the cracks of nutrition most problems go away. The person would need to keep up the great work of having their body in balance. It would also become a preventative for the future, while keeping the ailment that was first bothering them reduced or gone. I have helped people their ailments, where their symptoms are reduced and their medications are being reduced. Then they tell me, the doctor has been really helping me I no longer need your help or products. Within two weeks to a month, everything comes back and they question what happened or changed. They stopped taking care of their body. Our bodies have everything it needs to heal itself, we just need to provide it the correct fuel. Just like a car if it is not maintained it will break down and have more problems than it should. If the car is well taken care of and providing it good oil, fuel and getting everything checked out when it needs to be then the car could last your decades. 

There is one major difference between a car and your body, you can buy a new car or engine if the car completely breaks down. You cannot buy a new body. You have one body for the rest of your life. 

How are you going to take care of your body?

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

5 Mile Run Without Stopping

'5 miles two days in a row,
without stopping or
being exhausted'

A customer wrote to me a couple days ago, it put a smile on my face and had to share the story. 

December 18th 2012 - 'Hi Justin: I am so excited. I've been able to run 5 miles two days in a row without stopping or being exhausted post-exercise. Haven't been able to do that for ages' - Cyndy

The next day she wrote me 'Three days in a row running five miles each day, no exhaustion'. 

December 26th 2012 Update: 'I really am excited. I ran a total of 28.5 miles that week. Five days of running five miles, one day 3 1/2. It was a wonderful week for me as I have not been able to run long distance for maybe more than a year without bottoming out after running or any form of exercise.'

She has been a customer for 20 days now taking EnerPrime and MPX100. Receiving stories like this one, encourages me to share health advice to everyone. Knowing that I am helping people enjoy their lives.

January 6th 2013 Update: 'I have a praise report. I was able to run up that hill on Greenback between Old Folsom and Orangevale twice without stopping. I clicked it and it is a mile from the bottom of the hill to the top. Taking EnerPrime twice daily consistently.'

EnerPrime Immune System Support!
An exhaustive search by Greg Im for the solution to a family health crisis led to the life-changing nutritional supplement EnerPrime. Its reputation for Immune System Support, Increased Ability to Handle Stress and providing a Great Night's Sleep has become legendary among consumers.

Superfoods replenish vital missing nutrients lacking in our diet
Adaptogens help counteract stress
Liver cleansers help our bodies detoxify
Antioxidants & phytonutrients provide anti-aging & immune system support
Digestive enzymes facilitate maximum absorption of nutrients

For more information:

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Your "Star Wars" Defense system against Cold and Flu Season

Ben Greenfield;MS;CPT;CISSNYour 'Star Wars' Defense
against Cold and Flu Season!

By Ben Greenfield, MS, CPT, CISSN

Like many people, at the beginning of winter I am looking to protect myself and my family against the flu and other viruses. There was certainly the option of vaccination, but the slightly murky research on the true side effects made me wary. There was also the option of stocking up on anti-bacterials and antibiotics and simply living "inside a bubble", only venturing into public when absolutely necessary. But this was an unlikely prospect for my job as a nutritionist and fitness coach and for my family's happiness and social life.
The alternative was to begin building as big a barrier as possible to the flu. In other words, if the body's natural immune system were strong enough to be able to withstand the onslaught of dangerous microbes, pathogens and viruses, then perhaps a vaccination or social isolation would not be necessary. This is an idea that seems to make good sense, since each of us was born with an immune system.
The Immune System: Your "Star Wars" Defense

The immune system is actually quite amazing and acts like a well-trained army. All the battalions of your immune system must be present and playing their part properly in order to achieve victory. These battalions include T-cells, which directly attack invading molecules; B-cells, which identify and respond to future threats; other cells which clean the debris at the battle sites; and even signaling molecules that can recognize a foreign invader and alert other immune system brigades to heal the area of damage and remove the invader from your body. All these "soldiers" circulate through your bloodstream and spread throughout your tissues to guard potential entry sites of infection.
The Inflammatory Response: Your Body's Protective Wall
When all these battalions arrive at the site of infection they promote what is called an "inflammatory response". Think of this response as one way your body builds a protective wall around an infected area. For example, if you have ever had poison ivy or gotten a rash from eating a food to which you are allergic, you may have noticed redness and swelling surrounding the affected area. This redness and swelling is protection to keep the infection from spreading to surrounding tissue. In the same way, your immune system receives crucial assistance from the inflammatory response.
The Gastrointestinal Tract: More Protection for You

In addition to the importance of inflammation in supporting the proper function of the immune system, your gastrointestinal tract is another very important component of protection against the flu. Of all the potential entry sites between the inside of your body and the outside environment, your gastrointestinal tract is the largest, and must somehow keep out dangerous invaders, while still letting in the nutrients and food components your body needs to survive. If the cells of the gastrointestinal tract are healthy and properly functioning, then the body is perfectly primed to allow this process to occur.
Essential Fatty Acids: The Natural Solution

What if you were to discover that a natural oil exists that A) supplies your body with those immune system instruments and B) provides the building blocks for a healthy gastrointestinal tract? If you're anything like me, you'll try to get those compounds into your body as quickly and effectively as possible so that you can naturally build up your immune system. Fortunately, these compounds not only exist, but are also affordable and easy to find. They are known as Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's), and are readily available to you in healthy, dense and highly absorbable forms like flax seed oil.

As a matter of fact, a study found that children taking just a half teaspoon of flax seed oil a day experienced fewer and less severe respiratory infections and fewer days of being absent from school. This is because one of the fatty acids in flax seed oil, omega 3, actually increases the activity of the part of the immune system that eats up bacteria and promotes healthy inflammation. At the same time, other essential fatty acids in flax seed oil, such as omega 6, can prevent too much inflammation and protect the body against damage from over-reactions to infection.
Essential Fatty Acids: Only the BEST Will Do

Flax seed oil promotes good health and a well-functioning immune system. It naturally contains the right ratios of omega 3's and omega 6's. In addition, flax seed oil is beneficial for heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis and a variety of other health conditions. But do not assume that all flax seed oils are created equal! IMPaX WORLD's EnerEFA uses certified organic flax seed & evening primrose oils. Only the highest quality seeds are selected for extraction. IMPaX uses the superior "expeller-press" method of extraction. Extraction is done in a closed temperature controlled environment to eliminate damage from heat, light and oxygen.
EnerEFA: Protection for My Family

Armed with this valuable information about essential fatty acids, both my wife and I
Take 2-4 capsules of EnerEFA daily. In addition, we break open 1 capsule and add the oil to our children's food or rub in on the bottom of their feet at night.  
Believe it or not, kids have immune systems too!
I am grateful to be able to say that despite daily trips to gyms, malls, stores and social events, none of my family members has been compromised by any form of the flu this winter. Thanks to IMPaX WORLD, our immune systems are strong and well-equipped to handle the constant attack on our bodies. YOUR immune system can operate with the same efficiency.  Try EnerEFA. It works!
Ben Greenfield, MS, CPT, CISSN

More information on EnerEFA -

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