Thursday, December 20, 2012

5 Mile Run Without Stopping

'5 miles two days in a row,
without stopping or
being exhausted'

A customer wrote to me a couple days ago, it put a smile on my face and had to share the story. 

December 18th 2012 - 'Hi Justin: I am so excited. I've been able to run 5 miles two days in a row without stopping or being exhausted post-exercise. Haven't been able to do that for ages' - Cyndy

The next day she wrote me 'Three days in a row running five miles each day, no exhaustion'. 

December 26th 2012 Update: 'I really am excited. I ran a total of 28.5 miles that week. Five days of running five miles, one day 3 1/2. It was a wonderful week for me as I have not been able to run long distance for maybe more than a year without bottoming out after running or any form of exercise.'

She has been a customer for 20 days now taking EnerPrime and MPX100. Receiving stories like this one, encourages me to share health advice to everyone. Knowing that I am helping people enjoy their lives.

January 6th 2013 Update: 'I have a praise report. I was able to run up that hill on Greenback between Old Folsom and Orangevale twice without stopping. I clicked it and it is a mile from the bottom of the hill to the top. Taking EnerPrime twice daily consistently.'

EnerPrime Immune System Support!
An exhaustive search by Greg Im for the solution to a family health crisis led to the life-changing nutritional supplement EnerPrime. Its reputation for Immune System Support, Increased Ability to Handle Stress and providing a Great Night's Sleep has become legendary among consumers.

Superfoods replenish vital missing nutrients lacking in our diet
Adaptogens help counteract stress
Liver cleansers help our bodies detoxify
Antioxidants & phytonutrients provide anti-aging & immune system support
Digestive enzymes facilitate maximum absorption of nutrients

For more information:

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