Monday, June 25, 2012

Asthma Attack

I was diagnosed with asthma in elementary school. Being a third grader that had to carry around an inhaler just in case of an asthma attack was embarrassing. It became normal to me carrying around an inhaler after time. Like most children, I loved to run and play soccer. Over the years, the intensity of my asthma would be up and down but I always needing my inhaler close by, just in case of an attack. When I got into high school, my asthma was a little better but still held me back. I was a quarter mile sprinter for our track and field team but my coach wanted me to run 800 meters as well. My body was able to handle running that far but because of my asthma, my lungs just could not take it. My asthma finally reached the point where I needed a daily inhaler as well as an emergency inhaler for the attacks that still happened. I knew something was not good about the inhaler when I read the label that says to make sure to washout your mouth after every use. Keeping that in mind, I began to wonder, what the inhaler is doing to my lungs, if it is bad for my teeth and gums. I did not think there was anything that was all natural that could help my asthma, but in July 2011 I was introduced to Protandim. I was very skeptical when I heard about the product. I decided to try the product for 90 days for other reasons that were not my asthma. I had no idea and was never told that there was a chance that the product could help my asthma. After 3-4 weeks of taking the product my fiancé noticed that, I had not had to use my emergency inhaler for a while. I used to need my inhaler 2-4 times a week then I only need it occasionally. My asthma attacks have also been less intense than they were before I began taking the product. So much better, in fact that I could just wait it out and everything would be fine in 30 minutes to an hour. The improvement was great but not good enough for me, after realizing that my asthma can be helped naturally. I sought out more nutrition for my body. I started looking for a superfood that could provided my body a great source of nutrients. I found EnerPrime and Delta-E in my search for the need to be healthier in my day-to-day life. I have not had to use my inhaler for the past three months, at all. With no signs of any constriction in my chest or shortness of breath since adding EnerPrime and Delta-E, while also taking Protandim. I share this story for people that are just like me, feeling like there was nothing else that can help asthma other than an inhaler. If you are like me scared of what the inhaler can doing to your lungs and mouth just as I was, there is a natural way of helping your body perform how it is supposed to. Our bodies produce everything it needs to heal itself of almost every disease, illness and health issue, all your body requires is the proper nutrients.

Contact information
Justin Abramson
Protandim can be found at
EnerPrime can be found at
delta-E can be found at

Friday, June 22, 2012

Mental Focus

'my brain is less foggy'

I enjoy getting stories like this one from customers. This is a story from a customer sharing their experience while taking Delta-E.

'I am a programmer (Full title, Sr. Analyst Programmer) and daily have to solve complex issues, learn new skills etc.  I usually take the Delta E in the morning before I leave for work and find that my brain is less foggy and that I can actually concentrate and work through complicated problems. I definitely don't get enough sleep. I average between 5 and 6 hours a night, so when I lay down at night, I fall asleep immediately.
I love to read your morning health tips.'

delta-E Energize Your Brain!
Health professionals, athletes and seniors alike are amazed at the sustained Feeling of Well-being, Mental Clarity and Lasting Energy they receive from delta-E.

B vitamin boost including super B12 promotes healthy brain function
Richest source of antioxidants protects nervous system
Activator blend includes Pure L-Theanine and 75 mg natural caffeine for calm energy and focus
Immune system support defends against effects of stress
Naturally sweetened with 5 gm fructose (no sugar crash, only 20 cal.)

More Information, 
delta-E CLICK HERE >>>

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