Friday, January 18, 2013

Freedom of Choice

We are given a freedom to make our own choices, good or bad as humans. Yes, it is unfortunate that a number of people choose to make bad choices in life that can affect One life to Millions of lives. In addition, the one bad person can ruin the future of growth for a number of things. We cannot stop and just blame that one person that made the bad decision. We have to continue to blame more people or things because of ONE person. It is very sad that our society has come to this point in life, to take things to a completely different level and blow things out of proportion. The majority of people go to God but not all of them turn to Him to grow closer and to pray for everyone. Some turn to God to blame Him, for allowing that ONE person that had the freedom of choice to do good or bad and chose bad, it is now God’s fault. Does that make any since at all? Would you rather have no decision-making capabilities and be controlled like robots? No freedom of choice, to live the life you want to. To eat different food that is available. Yes, God allows good and bad things to happen because freedom of choice comes with a cost. That cost comes in many forms, positive and/or negative. It is sad that so many people only look at the negative that happened and completely miss the positive. 

Written by Justin Abramson 

Wellness The Easy Way

Ion Thrive

Thursday, January 10, 2013

How To Tell If A Vitamin Is Natural Or Synthetic

'Many synthetics are made from derivatives of coal tar - a known carcinogen found in cigarette smoke.'

How To Tell If A Vitamin Is Natural Or Synthetic - Many of us take vitamins to enhance our wellbeing and prevent illness. But what if you were to discover that some commercial brands contain synthetic ingredients that are actually harmful to your health?

This is a great article from Food Matters that really helps explain how to pick good Vitamins.

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