Monday, August 12, 2013

Are your hormones balanced???

Determine the causes, not the symptoms!

"A New Era in Healthcare!"

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~Thomas Edison

Why Should I perform Salivary Testing for My Hormones ?
Saliva testing provides a simple noninvasive means of determining whether hormone levels are within balance for one’s age and gender and can assist in the supplementation process to specifically target imbalances

Why should we be concerned with hormone levels?
Adequate levels and an appropriate balance of the hormones (estradiol progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA) are necessary for maintaining optimal health and well-being in both females and males.  These hormones support a wide range of essential physiological functions including blood lipid balance, bone mineral density, fertility, sexuality, normal thyroid function, a general sense of well-being, and certain aspects of normal brain function.

People think of "hormone problems" as starting in midlife with the onset of menopause or andropause. In fact, adrenal dysfunction can begin during adolescent years or earlier. The severity of hormonal problems may increase with age, but it is not aging per se that is the root of declining health. It is most often the cumulative physiological effects of stress that cause a disruption in the balancing mechanisms of adrenal, sex and thyroid hormones eventually compromising overall health.

Some Indicators for Hormonal Imbalances include:
  • Chronic stress
  • Lack of vitality and energy
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Poor memory
  • Migraine headaches
  • Low sex drive
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Low body temperature

What Will the ENA Testing Show?
  • How well the adrenal glands function by tracking the 8AM baseline production.
  • The bio-availability of the hormones – since only the bioactive (Useable) form of the hormones are found in saliva.

Hormones tests include - Cortisol, DHEA-S, Progesterone, Estradiol and Testosterone.

THE ENA Sciences System for Achieving Hormonal Balance

The following program is designed to help you to establish a program that is individual according to your panel.  By using the ENA Sciences System of hormonal balance you can, within a few months, achieve optimum hormonal function.  The system has been developed to target the biological markers found in the testing. This approach systematically re-establishes optimal function to all the contributing systems.  This has a powerful impact on the entire body and allows for the regeneration of the stress handling system.

Utilizing all of these test results, we custom formulate 2 transdermal crèmes with all natural ingredients: A day formula and a night formula.

The day formula is for natural vitality production and the night formula is for inhibitory support leading to better regeneration and sleep. You will waken with a new vigor and better outlook.

Why wait? Get tested and start your road to better health now! 

More information and/or questions call (530) 208-5533 or email

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