Saturday, November 16, 2013

Do you suffer from migraines?

Prior to taking EnerPrime, I lived like many of us approaching middle age, with a few minor illnesses and pain.

I even considered myself almost "drug free" because I hadn't really considered what I was taking daily to maintain my "health". I took Claritin, Vancenase spray (a steroid). Proventil and an antihistamine, along with a five day blitz of Predisone occasionally to control my allergies. I'd even had three years of allergy shots but it didn't cure me.
 Complicating this, I've had migraine headaches from the age of thirteen. Since I'd inherited this from my grandmother I accepted it as just part of my genetic weakness. Recently, my headaches had increased in frequency and intensity to two to three a month to last three to four days which resulted in me being bedridden for days at a time. I've tried many different medicines for migraines but was currently on Imitrex-a drug with dangerous side-effects. The hormones I'd taken for a year, I finally stopped taking in August. I found I didn't need them. I also noticed I'd been getting really tired mid-afternoon. About three o'clock, I'd get to the point where I couldn't even think straight. But all this, I rationalized was just part of aging!

Fortunately, I met Karen G. who introduced me to EnerPrime. When I started the product, I decided to go off all my allergy medicine. About this time, I was diagnosed with a hyperthyroid. The normal range for thyroid is about between 0.47-5.50. I wanted to take EnerPrime for four months and get retested before I took any medicine.
Four months later, my thyroid had dropped from 6.97 to 3.86. When I started taking EnerPrime I took 1 tsp. the first three days, without much effect, so I jumped to 1 Tablespoon. That threw me into a major detox, my last big migraine headache that lasted for five days. I knew this would happen and I just wanted to get through it quickly. From this point on it was "sickness unto health" not sickness unto death"!

Throughout the detox I continued taking EnerPrime when I could and drinking lots of water. For about 6 weeks after that I stayed on 1 Tablespoon a day until I realized that I probably needed to take more. I wasn't seeing the changes in my energy level and sleep I wanted. So I experimented. I started taking 2 Tablespoons a day, one at a time. I've gone through several more minor detox stages, but each time I level off and feel better than before. Each stage brings me to a higher level of wellness. Along with this, I have been much more careful with what I eat. I drink 60 or more ounces of pure water daily and try to exercise consistently. Exercise is my downfall.

Now, nine months later, I can say, my headaches are all but gone. My allergies are very minimal and by taking 3-4 Tablespoons of EnerPrime a day, I can control them without any medication. I have renewed energy, I can think clearly, my sleep is sound and I feel the best I have felt in years! I've also noticed the spider veins in my legs are going away as well as my age spots. My nails are much stronger and my hair is full of body and even filling in at my temples.

A great big THANK YOU to share this product with me. I know I'm committed to staying on EnerPrime for life.

Elaine H.

EnerPrime CLICK HERE >>> Powder  

ENA Sciences CLICK HERE >>>
Ion Thrive ( Alkaline water machine ) CLICK HERE >>>
Source: IMPaX World

Monday, October 7, 2013

Energize Your Brain!

delta-E Energize Your Brain!

Health professionals, athletes and seniors alike are amazed at the sustained Feeling of Well-being, Mental Clarity and Lasting Energy they receive from delta-E.

B vitamin boost including super B12 promotes healthy brain function
Richest source of antioxidants protects nervous system
Activator blend includes Pure L-Theanine and 75 mg natural caffeine from calm energy and focus
Immune system support defends against effects of stress

Naturally sweetened with 5 gm fructose (no sugar crash, only 20 cal.)

Fantastic delta-E?

Looking for a new kind of energy to help you get through your day? delta-E delivers! Most energy drinks merely combine caffeine and sugar. delta-E Activator™ contains a revolutionary composition of specific natural bioactives that scientific studies indicate produces sustained energy and alertness without jitteriness.

Read Ben Greenfield's article: I Don't Approve of Energy Drinks

Read what doctors say about delta-E™:
A Physician Examines delta-E™ by Ira Robinson, MD
No Rain in the Brain by Arlene Taylor, PhD

We're Glad You Asked...
Question: I was going to try your delta-E energy powder but see on the label that it contains caffeine. What makes your energy drink different than coffee or the other caffeine/sugar energy drinks on the market?
Answer: Delta-E™ is an exclusive combination that includes a patented ingredient, Suntheanine®, a natural caffeine... (read more)

ORDER HERE delta-E >>>
ORDER HERE Power Pack EnerPrime & delta-E >>>

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Support your Immune System!

EnerPrime for Immune System Support

An exhaustive search by Greg Im for the solution to a family health crisis led to the life-changing nutritional supplement EnerPrime. Its reputation for Immune System Support, Increased Ability to Handle Stress and providing a Great Night's Sleep has become legendary amongst consumers.

Superfoods replenish vital missing nutrients lacking in our diet
Adaptogens help counteract stress
Liver cleansers help our bodies detoxify
Antioxidants & phytonutrients provide anti-aging & immune system support
Digestive enzymes facilitate maximum absorption of nutrients

EnerPrime is a synergistic blend of superfoods, adaptogens, antioxidants, phytonutrients, herbs, enzymes, and micronutrients. These all-natural elements produce remarkable results, ranging from counteracting stress to slowing the natural aging process. Individuals using EnerPrime experience increased vitality, better endurance, improved sleep, increased ability to handle stress, increased resistance to illness and an overall sense of well-being.

Health Professional Testimonials

Cary Nosler (Captian Carrot)
National Fitness Expert, author, radio talk show host "Wide World of Health"

Leonard Ranasinghe Ph.D., M.D., DABEM., FAEP
Diplomate American Board of Emergency Medicine. Assistant Clinical Professor UC Davis School of Medicine Ph.D. in Entomology with emphasis on toxicology. M.D. specializing in Emergency Medicine. Senior Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine with large HMO.

Lester G. Rose M.D., M.P.H.
Fellow American Academy of Neurology and Orthopedic Surgery Diplomate, American Board of Clinical Preventive Medicine Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Medicine

Arlene Taylor Ph.D.

An Internationally known speaker, author, and brain-function consultant. Director of Infection Control and Risk Management at a large acute-care hospital. A registered nurse with a masters degree in Epidemiology and Health Education, as well as doctorates in Health and Human Services and Clinical Counseling.

ORDER EnerPrime HERE >>>
ORDER HERE for Power Pack w/ EnerPrime & delta-E >>>

The statements on each product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tomorrow's technology for health today!

Official Launch 

Tomorrow’s technology for health today!

The Countdown Begins…

SEPTEMBER 19th , 2013
The Clarion Inn
1401 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95815

5.30 – 9.00pm

The Science behind your health…
…to protect your future 


Please call (916) 939-9800 for more information
 3J2 Group Inc. 5070 Robert J Mathews Pkwy Suite 200 El Dorado Hills CA 95762

Speaker Line-up
Hear about Stress, Hormones and the Brain!
As a brain function specialist, Dr. Taylor helps people learn how to manage their brain’s energy more effectively - by design. Dr. Taylor is a recipient of the American Medal of Honor for Brain Function Education, holds earned doctorates in Health and Human Services with an emphasis in women’s issues and in Clinical Counseling.  For a wealth of brain function information go to 
Why ENA chose to create testing with a lab that teaches doctors about health and hormones!
Cary Nosler is nationally known for bringing the most current and practical health information from diverse areas of health spanning from sports medicine to acupuncture. He brings practical wisdom to health topics ranging from weight loss and anti-aging to allergies and autism via his radio shows since the 1970’s.
How nutrition can heal the body through pathways and customized transdermal supplements!
Dr. Herb Akers, Quantum Connective Healing Chiropractor and Certified Clinical Nutritionist helps develop and expand self awareness...through the release of physical, chemical and mental holding patterns. By paying attention to and learning from our body's dis-ease, we support a healthy and balanced world.
We have it all! Testing, treating, balancing, health and income opportunity!
John Sloan comes to Ion Thrive - a division of 3J2 Group - as a business owner himself who has been studying alkaline water for several years now and brings that expertise to the company. He has experience in respiratory therapy, management and as a real estate broker. His smart business success advise and personal experience as a business owner provides Ion Thrive with an amazing sales team and foreground for its customers and affiliates! 

Tomorrow’s technology for health today!


“The most advanced technology to help balance your body and achieve optimal health from the comfort of your own home!”

Monday, August 12, 2013

Are your hormones balanced???

Determine the causes, not the symptoms!

"A New Era in Healthcare!"

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~Thomas Edison

Why Should I perform Salivary Testing for My Hormones ?
Saliva testing provides a simple noninvasive means of determining whether hormone levels are within balance for one’s age and gender and can assist in the supplementation process to specifically target imbalances

Why should we be concerned with hormone levels?
Adequate levels and an appropriate balance of the hormones (estradiol progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA) are necessary for maintaining optimal health and well-being in both females and males.  These hormones support a wide range of essential physiological functions including blood lipid balance, bone mineral density, fertility, sexuality, normal thyroid function, a general sense of well-being, and certain aspects of normal brain function.

People think of "hormone problems" as starting in midlife with the onset of menopause or andropause. In fact, adrenal dysfunction can begin during adolescent years or earlier. The severity of hormonal problems may increase with age, but it is not aging per se that is the root of declining health. It is most often the cumulative physiological effects of stress that cause a disruption in the balancing mechanisms of adrenal, sex and thyroid hormones eventually compromising overall health.

Some Indicators for Hormonal Imbalances include:
  • Chronic stress
  • Lack of vitality and energy
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Poor memory
  • Migraine headaches
  • Low sex drive
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Low body temperature

What Will the ENA Testing Show?
  • How well the adrenal glands function by tracking the 8AM baseline production.
  • The bio-availability of the hormones – since only the bioactive (Useable) form of the hormones are found in saliva.

Hormones tests include - Cortisol, DHEA-S, Progesterone, Estradiol and Testosterone.

THE ENA Sciences System for Achieving Hormonal Balance

The following program is designed to help you to establish a program that is individual according to your panel.  By using the ENA Sciences System of hormonal balance you can, within a few months, achieve optimum hormonal function.  The system has been developed to target the biological markers found in the testing. This approach systematically re-establishes optimal function to all the contributing systems.  This has a powerful impact on the entire body and allows for the regeneration of the stress handling system.

Utilizing all of these test results, we custom formulate 2 transdermal crèmes with all natural ingredients: A day formula and a night formula.

The day formula is for natural vitality production and the night formula is for inhibitory support leading to better regeneration and sleep. You will waken with a new vigor and better outlook.

Why wait? Get tested and start your road to better health now! 

More information and/or questions call (530) 208-5533 or email

Wellness The Easy Way

Water EZ Way ( Alkaline Ionized Water )

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Eating a tomato as a daily snack???

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; 
Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

First thing to know about tomatoes they are a fruit not a vegetable. (Just in case you did not know yet)

Tomatoes are packed with a variety of nutrients but the one that stands out the most for tomatoes and provides their color is Lycopene.

Lycopene is found in a number of other red fruits and vegetables; such as red carrots, red bell peppers, watermelons, gac, and papayas (but not strawberries or cherries). 

Studies have shown people that consume tomatoes regularly have a lower risk of certain types of cancers and diseases. (The Mayo Clinic and American Cancer Society say that more studies need to be done) Studies have been mixed once someone does have certain cancers but in general found good effects. Most of the studies show that it can be a good preventative.

Antioxidant :
Research has shown that like other carotenoids, it has many antioxidant properties including Vitamin C. That your body uses to fight off free radicals.

Asthma caused by exercise :
Studies have suggested that antioxidants can be used as a preventative of asthma that is caused by exercise.

Atherosclerosis (coronary artery disease) :
Due to the antioxidant properties Lycopene can be helpful for people with atherosclerosis or high cholesterol.

Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) :
People diagnosed with BPH or enlarged prostate are at increased risk of developing prostate cancer and can benefit from adding Lycopene rich foods to their diet and/or taking a Lycopene supplement. Studies suggest that Lycopene can help prevent disease progression in BPH.

Breast cancer prevention :
Studies in animals and humans show that consumption of tomatoes or good Lycopene levels in the body are a good preventative.

Cancer prevention (general) :
Studies have examined large populations to identify the lifestyle factors that affect health. Many of these studies suggest a link between diets high in fruits and vegetables and a decreased risk of developing cancer.

Cervical cancer prevention :
Observations suggest that consumption of tomatoes and/or tomato products can prevent cervical cancer.

Eye disorders (age-related macular degeneration prevention, cataracts) :
The antioxidant properties have been found to be a good preventative therapy for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. Some studies have shown peoples eye sight getting better.

Gastrointestinal tract and colorectal cancer prevention :
People that consume tomatoes and/or tomato based products helps prevent digestive tract cancers, including oral, pharyngeal, esophageal, gastric, colon, and rectal.

Gingivitis :
Some evidence that lycopene, may be an effective treatment for gingivitis.

High blood pressure :
Short-term studies have shown Lycopene to lower blood pressure.

High blood pressure associated with pregnancy (pre-eclampsia) :
Lycopene may reduce the development of pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation in women having their first child.

Infertility :
Recent research has suggested that lycopene can boost sperm concentrations in infertile men. In one study, a lycopene-supplemented diet resulted in a statistically significant improvement in sperm concentration and motility amongst the 30 infertile men being studied with six pregnancies following as a result of the trial.

Lung cancer prevention :
People that regularly eat tomatoes had a lower risk of developing lung cancer.

Ovarian cancer (prevention) :
Lycopene intake seems to lower the risk of ovarian cancer.

Prostate cancer :
Studies of large populations report eating tomatoes/tomato-based products reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer. There is some evidence that lycopene may slow the progression of prostate cancer.

Sun protection :
Lycopene in combination with other carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, selenium, and proanthocyanidins, may help in reducing sunburn.

Tomatoes are a good source of Lycopene, that is an excellent preventative to harmful sun UV rays, cancers and inflammation. After reading this you may find yourself eating more tomatoes possibly multiple times a day.

Some people love tomatoes so much they attend La Tomatina is a food fight festival held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of Bunol near to Valencia in Spain. Thousands upon thousands of people make their way from all corners of the world to fight in this 'World's Biggest Food Fight' where more than one hundred metric tons of over-ripe tomatoes are thrown in the streets.

Wellness The Easy Way 
offers multiple supplements with Lycopene in them.

Water EZ Way ( Ionized Alkaline Water )